Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Surya, Prakash Raj and others to protest

Followed by Vijay, it’s the turn of Surya and Prakash Raj to showcase their identity of Tamil patriotism. Today evening, they would be taking part in the protest meeting to be held at Tidal Park between 4.00-5.00 PM. T.J. Gnanavel, representative has addressed the media channels and all individuals to take part in this occasion with the following letter.

Dear All,

People from every walk of life do condemn the practices in every possible manner. Wouldn’t we need to express our solidarity and record our sincere regards for the sufferings? Shouldn’t we stand together and voice for our fellow human beings? When people are not sure about their being in next hour, aren’t we responsible for them? Isn’t it our duty to let the entire world know that we are here for our people in Srilanka.

Let’s not keep mute when our fellow human beings are being killed in Srilanka just for the reason that we both share same mother tongue and origin. Is it a huge crime that deserves such a cruel and barbaric act?

Friends, let‚s come together and express our commonality to condemn this practice and try to facilitate the need for ceasefire at Srilanka. Let’s together emphasize that "STOPPING WAR" is the need of the hour.


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