Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ameer’s name missing in voters list

Director Ameer was in for a shock when he realized that his name was missing in the voters list at his voting booth in KK Nagar, Madhurai. The director-actor, who had left for Madhurai from Chennai last night to cast his vote, says he was appalled to find his name missing.

“When I had enquired about my name in the voters list, I was told it would feature in the second list. However, it wasn’t there in the list this morning. And what’s shocking is that my wife and almost everybody else in my family have their name on the list,” says an agitated Ameer, who says he’d rather keep off the blame game about who would be behind this.

“I don’t know how this single vote can achieve anything for anybody else, but I wanted to take it in stride and have officially filed a complaint with the election commissioner,” says the director, who will return to Chennai tonight. “I only think it has been negligence on their part to not include my name,” he says.


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